Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Fun!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day! Mine was fun! Chris cooked me dinner and it was nice to just sit around and relax while he slaved away in the kitchen. ha! He made steak with some kind of dijon mustard and parmesan cheese sauce on top, asparagus in this delicious cheese sauce, baked potatoes, and cheesecake! Okay, so he didn't make the cheesecake...but it is my favorite cheesecake from Market Street. He did really good! He had also planned to make a salad, but didn't remember until after we ate everything else. :)

My cousin, Brandi, watched Will for a little while on Wednesday and Chris was supposed to pick up Will from her when he got off work. When I tried to call him to make sure he had picked up Will, he didn't answer his phone or the house phone, so I called Brandi and she said that he had picked up Will. When I finally got ahold of Chris, he told me that he was at the grocery store (with Will)...he had been there an hour and still couldn't find everything he needed. He got home about half an hour later and only spent $70. Keep in mind, this is for one meal...Chris is a great cook, but this is why he is not allowed to cook very often. We would be broke!

Anyway, Brandi called me yesterday and told me that she knew that he had gone to the grocery store, but she wasn't sure if it was a surprise so didn't want to tell me anything. She also said that Chris originally wanted her to go with him to the grocery store so that he could find everything, but then, after getting some help from his coworkers, decided that he would be okay by himself. She said that his grocery list had where to find the item next to each thing on the list. Funny.

Will had a Valentine's party today for some of his friends. He had lots of fun and I think his friends did too! I tried to take a picture of all of them together and this is the best one that I got...

Will's first kiss (on camera)....

Oh...nevermind! Looks like Will chickened out....

Don't feel bad for Ava though, she did end up giving Will plenty of kisses. I can't believe I didn't blog about this, but it was actually Ava that gave Will his first kiss last Sunday. You gotta watch out for this girl!

And for another milestone...

Yes, that's right...Will has already learned how to take toys away from other kids! I think he better watch out though, Connor could take him if he wanted to!

Oh, did I mention that Will already has a second tooth!? Chris discovered it at lunch on Valentine's Day!


Anonymous said...

It's amazing how complicated a grocery store can be for men, isn't it? What would they do with out us?

mandal said...

Thank you for the fun V-Day party! We had a blast:) Love the pictures of Connor and Will!

Sarah said...

this blog is hilarious! So many cutie pies at your valentines party;)

Anonymous said...

Denae, Those are the cutest pictures and they look great. Will reminds me a lot of the boys when they were younger. They were always happy and lovin on people. I think it is great that you are doing this blog.

Anonymous said...

Denae, Those are the cutest pictures and they look great. Will reminds me a lot of the boys when they were younger. They were always happy and lovin on people. I think it is great that you are doing this blog.
love, Brenda