So maybe I will catch up on some of my blogging afterall!
To be honest, I don't remember a whole lot these I don't have too many details of what happened 2-3 months ago, but there are a few things that I do want to remember....
1. Adam came over to put up our Christmas lights and Chris helped. I think it was the coldest day we had all year, but Will was dying to go outside and see what they were up to. So I bundled him up as much as he would let me and took him outside. He hates to wear hats and isn't a big fan of coats really the only way I could convince him to put it all on was to tell him he had to dress up like daddy...which meant he needed sunglasses too! So here is what mini Chris looked liked...
I can't believe I didn't think to take a picture of Chris too! I think we only lasted about two minutes outside and then Will was content to try to figure out what was going on from inside the house. It really was so cold that day.
2. Will had his second Christmas program. This year was about the same as last year. He pretty much sat on the stage the entire program and stared out into the audience while the other kids either participated in the program or played amongst themselves. He did decide to do two of the hand motions in the very last song of the program...that was exciting!
3. Lolli and I took Will to see Santa Claus at the mall. He was very interested in him, but not so sure that he wanted to sit on his lap. Luckily, the Santa Claus at the mall is very good with kids and he was able to convince Will to sit in his lap by reading a book to him.
Afer reading to him a little bit, we tried to get Will to smile at the camera and it was just not happening until I had a stroke of genius and quoted a line from Elf that always makes him laugh - "What's a Christmas gram? I want one!" And sure enough, it made him laugh for this one picture!
4. Just a picture of us that I like... :)
It is rare that we get our picture made together.
5. Uncle Jeff and Aunt Lacey asked if they could take Will on the Polar Express and Lolli went too! I took this picture when I left him with Lolli....
I heard that he cuddled with Uncle Jeff most of the ride. He turns into a big cuddler when he gets tired and I guess the train had a soothing effect.
This also happened to be the night of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and I surprised Chris with tickets for a Christmas date. We both really liked the show even though our seats weren't great. Chris wants to go back next year so I will have to get the tickets earlier so we can get better seats. It really was pretty amazing.
6. We did Christmas morning with my family at our house this year. It felt a little strange since we have done Christmas morning at my parents' house for as long as I can remember. But I think it worked out well for everyone and we will probably do it again.
I don't think I took any pictures Christmas morning because I was cooking breakfast plus trying to watch Will enjoy the day. I made monkey bread for everyone that came over early (Pop, Lolli, Uncle Jeff, Aunt Lacey, & Grammy) and then I made sausage bread and my mom made an egg casserole and banana nut bread for everyone that came over later in the morning.
We went to Grandma's house for Christmas dinner and we did manage to get few pictures there...
Will has been really into taking pictures himself lately. Here is just one of the many he took...this one of Uncle Cole...
Christmas was really special this year! It was the first Christmas that I think Will got a grasp on what was going on. We had a lot of talks about it being Jesus's birthday and that was the reason we had Christmas lights, Christmas trees, and gave each other presents. Every morning when he woke up before Christmas, he wanted to turn the lights on the Christmas tree and anytime we were out at night, he wanted to drive around and look at Christmas lights. The lights in our neighborhood were his favorite and the blow-up Grinch a couple of blocks from our house was his most favorite of all. It was convenient, but anytime we tried to look at lights anywhere else he would say that he wanted to go see the Grinch and he would always say, "That's my favorite!" when we drove by. He hasn't seen the movie, so I'm not sure why it was his favorite. Speaking of movies, he did grow quite fond of the movie Elf and we watched it countless times. He can quote a lot of the movie while he watches it now...which is hilarious. I was afraid it might stick around even after Christmas, but I think he has only wanted to watch it a few times in the last couple of months.
Overall, it was a great Christmas and we made some fun memories this year! I was a little worried that Will would be really upset when we took down the tree and could no longer go look at Christmas lights, but he actually handled it very well. He did ask about it quite a bit at first, but I would just tell him that Christmas was over and we would do it all again next year and he just said, "Oh"...which is a pretty common response from him when he is trying to digest information. Every now and then he will still randomly ask, "Christmas is over?" His little mind is funny! I can't wait to see what Christmas will be like next year as a family of FOUR!
4 months ago
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