As a side note, Chris told me that him and Ben (Ellie's dad) were talking about pacifiers and potty training at lunch today. According to Chris, "Madelyn still likes diapers." Madelyn is Ellie's sister and she's only 2, but Chris still doesn't understand why Will would want to "poop all over himself." After Chris changed Will's first dirty diaper in the hospital, he said, "Dude, just tell me next time you want to do that and I'll hold you over the toilet." Anyway, I just thought it was funny - two daddies, sitting at lunch, talking about things mommies usually talk about. Stacee - Can you believe Chris actually told me what they talked about without me even asking?
On Saturday morning, we went to the Tech football game, which I already blogged about below. That afternoon, we took Will to his first costume party. I've been playing Pokeno with a group of girls this year and we had a Fall Festival with our families instead of playing Pokeno this month. It was a lot of fun! I wish I had gotten a picture of all the girls....I'll have to remember to do that next time.
As you can see, Will has learned to stick out his tongue. It really cracks me up. The first time he did it was at my mom's Bible study last week. He was looking at her while she was talking and he kept sticking his tongue out as far as he could. It was hilarious.
Sunday morning was Will's baby dedication at church. My mom bought him the cutest little outfit and he looked adorable.
If you read this and believe the part about Ben and me, I have some ocean-front property in Arizona to sell you at a real discount. Let me know...
your little will is precious...
also, i love the pinguino costume!!
Who is tiesto?
He is so cute and definitely a precious penguin!
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